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Futuristic World


Real solutions,

to real business challenges.

We deliver industry-specific solutions throughout the Healthcare Technologies, Industrial, Consumer Device, Automotive, and Financial and Insurance Industries.

We deliver industry-specific solutions throughout the Healthcare Technologies, Industrial, Consumer Device, Automotive, and Financial and Insurance Industries.


By applying world-class software development services and market-leading technology, VividCloud helps companies increase productivity and win the competitive advantage.


  •  Create made-to-order systems 

  •  Re-architect and migrate legacy applications to the Cloud

  •  Enhance existing applications

  •  Integrate new technologies with legacy software systems




Healthcare Technologies


The healthcare industry requires a Systems of Systems mindset to recognize the many touchpoints with patients, providers, and payers, and to adapt to rapid technology advancements.  This evolving Systems of Systems view is made possible by cloud platforms, IoT technologies, and advanced analytics applied to very large data sets.


There is industry-wide pressure to improve patient care and reduce treatment costs. The ‘silo-ed’ nature of data in the healthcare industry introduces an impediment to achieving these mandates. Each clinical provider of services, each payor company, and each pharmaceutical and medical device company has its own sets of data in its own formats, unreachable by anyone else. Connecting them is extraordinarily difficult for technical, regulatory, and proprietary reasons.


Individual systems in the world of healthcare are being forced to grow vertically, horizontally, and geographically. This growth is being driven by ever-advancing analytics for drug discovery, AI for evidence diagnosis and treatment, and bioinformatics for genomic research and drug discovery.


Cloud-based system are mandatory in order to realize the goal of globally accessible electronic health and medical records. Ingesting the massive amount and variety of data generated by wearable and smart devices, patient monitoring systems, and basic bio- and small molecule research, individually and collectively, require advanced, secure IoT architectures connected to cloud-based data repositories and scalable compute power. Rapidly evolving requirements and opportunities require advanced analytics and microservice software architectures to keep pace with industry demands.




  • Wearable and smart devices

  • Connected and mobile devices within the connected hospital

  • Migrating EHR and EMR systems to cloud platforms

  • Smart, connected, implantable medical devices

  • Remote medicine and AI assisted treatment

  • AI and machine learning for payor systems, such as claims management and detecting fraud and abuse

  • Analytics that find transformative information within massive market and patient data sets.



Systems of systems. 




Smart phones and connected consumer devices are having a profound effect on everyday living.  By using similar IoT technologies and platforms, a potentially more impactful transformation is happening in the industrial world.


With the emergence of cloud computing, compute power is essentially limitless and very low cost. Mass storage of data is also inexpensive and readily available. Advanced sensor technology and high-speed connectivity is everywhere. Advanced analytics and machine learning provide tools and techniques for handling and utilizing prodigious amounts of data that now is created and captured.


Together, these enablers allow for highly-capable, connected, and flexible machines that can be developed rapidly and affordably compared with previous generation industrial machines. Together these enablers have created the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 digital transformations.


And the transformation is accelerating. Applications of IIoT and cloud architectures across industrial sectors, such as manufacturing, electronics, semiconductors and energy are revolutionizing the industrial base of the US and globally.




  • Manufacturing robots and automation

  • Automated warehouses

  • Connected manufacturing equipment

  • Automated asset tracking

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Smart cities

  • Smart grid

  • Smart meters

  • Predictive analytics for manufacturing optimization

  • Smart energy management

  • 3D printing

  • Mass customization – customized products, on demand





The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has raised the bar of consumer expectations. We have come to expect the consumer devices that fill our lives to incorporate seamless connectivity, data integration and advanced functionality.


The Consumer Device industry has been a leading adopter of IoT. The decreasing cost and power consumption of computing and memory storage has accelerated the development of consumer priced IoT 'things'.  Available today are connected gaming devices, home products, fitness devices, and many IoT products that are not readily obvious. Each of these products are backed by cloud platforms, enabling far greater capabilities both customer facing and company facing.


Smart phones provide connectivity and access to information anywhere and at any time, and provide developers of 'things' with powerful network edge computing.


Big data generated by IoT devices and processed by advanced analytics in the cloud, has created new business models to reach and support consumers and have created exciting and disruptive growth opportunities for consumer device companies.




  • Smart home products for energy management, lighting, security

  • Connected appliances

  • Wearable fitness trackers

  • Connected exercise machines

  • Streaming music devices

  • Connected and smart television

  • Online gaming



Cloud power.



Transform or perish.

Financial services customers are empowered by digital tools to research, evaluate, and choose financial products and services. Insurance customers want to make changes to their policies, file claims, and buy additional insurance products with sophisticated and mobile software. In order to remain competitive, it is imperative for financial services companies to digitally transform their business and develop new offerings to win, serve, and retain their customers.


These companies are looking to implement best practices for cloud and mobile transformation in order to compete, yet there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to implementing a robust digital innovation practice.


Companies in the Financial and Insurance industries that report the greatest adherence to best practices also report that they are more likely to use outside help to overcome barriers. Companies that utilize Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and trial projects achieve early wins and leverage them into additional digital transformation opportunities.


Business leaders representing retail banks, wealth management firms, and life insurance providers see that consumer adoption of digital technologies is disrupting their industry.


This impact is coming not only from disruptive digital upstarts but increasingly sophisticated traditional competitors.




  • Blockchain – Distributed ledger applications, cryptocurrency.

  • Regtech – Regulatory technology to manage financial compliance rules.

  • Insurtech – Technology to improve the efficiency of the insurance industry.

  • OpenBanking – Architectures that allow third parties to use bank data.

  • Avatars and AI – Automate investment advice using advanced financial algorithms.

  • Hybrid cloud solutions with public and private cloud platforms may provide the best regulatory compliance.

  • Quantitative Analytics and the big data opportunity.





The automobile is becoming a mobile container of connected embedded systems and software.


Cloud architectures, Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, and big data analytics are revolutionizing the automobile. These, combined with smart sensor technology, reduced cost of computing, wireless communications, automation and cognitive computing are enabling the smart and connected car.


The vehicle is the central access point of the connected car ecosystem allowing other devices to wirelessly attach to the mobile platform and add entertainment, information, and other services.  The use of advanced electronics and software in the vehicle is accelerating.




  • Connected car systems monitoring

  • ADAS driver assistance advancements

  • Autonomous driving

  • Electric cars

  • Cloud based infotainment

  • GPS, mapping and navigation

  • Accident and weather information

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Dynamic fare setting

  • Fleet management



IoT smart.

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